AEMSA Welcomes Newest Subject Matter Expert (SME) Member: Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos

AEMSA AEMSA Updates, Announcements

AEMSA is proud and honored to announce another Subject Matter Expert (SME) Member:

 Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos

Dr FDr. Farsalinos is a cardiologist, working as researcher at Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens-Greece and at Medical Imaging Research Center, University Hospital Gathuisberg in Leuven-Belgium. His main research interests are new modalities in cardiovascular imaging. He has been involved in research on tobacco cigarettes over the past 4 years as principle investigator, using new imaging techniques to detect subclinical cardiac dysfunction in smokers. Over the past 2 years, he has been actively performing research on electronic cigarettes, at clinical and laboratory levels.

 Recently, Dr. Farsalinos conducted the first ever study on e-cigarette vapor cytotoxicity potential on cultured cells. This study has been published (see link below). He has also performed the largest international Internet survey of e-cigarette users, with more than 19,000 participants – and growing – (results not yet published as the study remains open for participation through June 25). For the second consecutive time, he has received invitation to present results of his clinical research at the European Society of Cardiology annual Congress this year. The first presentation (2012 Congress) can be seen here:

Electronic cigarettes do not damage the heart: First-hand smoke, second-hand smoke or electronic cigarettes

More of his recent peer review published Research Study works can be found here:

Cytotoxicity evaluation of electronic cigarette vapor extract

Chronic Idiopathic Neutrophilia in A Smoker, Relieved after Smoking Cessation with the Use of Electronic Cigarette: a Case Report

Acute and chronic effects of smoking on myocardial function in healthy heavy smokers

We welcome Dr. Farsalinos and look forward to his active participation in AEMSA!  As we begin the complex process of refining our Standards for the 2013 version, Dr. Farsalinos’ involvement will complement and enhance the input from our other highly credentialed Organic Chemist SMEs.  Dr. Farsalinos’ involvement will greatly facilitate our goals of Consumer Protectionism, Product Stewardship and Medical/Science based advocacy for refillable e-liquid products and Tobacco Harm Reduction.